Osama bin Ladin (FILE)

Osama will apologises to children

In a four-page document dated December 14, 2001, claiming to be Osama bin Laden's last will and testament, the terrorist mastermind apologises to his children for neglecting them in favour of jihad.

Al Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden did not want his children to join the terrorist organisation, the Kuwait-based Al Anbaa newspaper said citing his last will and testament.

He prohibited his children from taking part in his terrorist organisation and from "going to the front", the newspaper said.

According to the Arabic daily, the document is written on a computer and signed "Your Brother Abu Abdullah Osama Muhammad Bin Laden." The late Al Qaeda leader predicted he would be killed as a result of a "betrayal" and ordered his wives to not remarry.

Various reports say bin Laden fathered between 12 and 26 children and married four women.

Bin Laden, believed to be 54 years of age, was killed in Pakistan by US special forces.

The document, which was first published in a Lebanese newspaper in 2001, has resurfaced this week following the insurgent's death at the hands of the Navy Seals six team on Sunday, reports Daily Mail.

US intelligence sources remain sceptical on its authenticity however, despite it being cited in a recent Senate report, said the UK daily.

In the will bin Laden compares himself to a seventh century caliph and suggests his children need to forge their own way in life rather than ride on the back of his name, said Daily.

'As for you my children: Forgive me for not giving you except but a minimum amount of my time since I have begun my call for jihad,' bin Laden allegedly writes in the will.

'And I advise you not to join in the work of Al Qaeda.'  This is in direct contrast to what one of his children told the Guardian newspaper in 2009.


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