Questions that Vladimir Putin did not answer

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin spoke on multiple topics during a televised phone-in session lasting four-and-a-half hours on Thursday, but some sensitive questions remained unanswered.

Some of these questions appeared on public channel Rossia's ticker line as they were sent in:
- When will doctors stop taking bribes and kickbacks?
- When will a feudal system end in Russia?
- When will we have freedom of expression and free elections?
- When will the law apply to officials and the rich?
- When will we have true democracy?
- When will we live well?
- When will you finally leave politics?
- Will the chaos that reigns in Russia end one day?
- Do only those questions that are not annoying reach you?

Putin received over two million questions by telephone, SMS or internet, according to the state-run Rossia television, the event's organiser.

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