Best of Web: For a pilot give birth in March

New research reveal that birth month of a baby likely to shape their professional inclination.

Researchers came to this conclusion after analysing birth months of people belonging to 19 separate occupations using information from the last census, reports dailymail.

So if you harbour a wish to see your child grow up to become a dentist time the birth to December. For a  debt collector January is the month, February for an artist while March is good for pilots.

According to the study by the Office for National Statistics summer months mean a much lower chance of becoming a high-earning football player, doctor or dentist. April and May are said to have a fairly even spread of professions. A lot of September born turn out to be sports players and physicists.

So you can now go ahead and plan the future of your child accordingly.

Carla Bruni vows to shield her baby


French first lady Carla Bruni says she will never let the media film or photograph her baby, which is due just months before her husband, President Nicolas Sarkozy, seeks re-election.

"I will do everything I can to protect this child ... I will never show photos of this child, I will never expose this child," Bruni told TF1 television on Sunday.

Bruni said she did not know if her new baby, due next month, was a boy or a girl.

Children taken from parents for being fat


Social services faced outrage yesterday for taking four obese children from their parents.

According to The Daily Mail, the couple have lost a three-year battle with the authorities and their youngest children – girls aged 11, seven and one, and a boy of five – will either be ‘fostered without contact’ or adopted.

The move follows a failed attempt to solve the children’s weight problem by putting the family in a ‘Big Brother’ house, having a social worker present to monitor all meal times, and imposing a curfew and strict rules about their lifestyle.

There is no suggestion the parents are accused of deliberate cruelty or abuse or criminal acts, and concern over the children’s weight is said to be the main factor behind the intervention by social services.

The 42-year-old mother said: “We might not be the perfect parents, but we love our children with all our hearts. To face a future where we will never see them again is unbearable. It feels like even prisoners have more human rights than we do.”

The shocked parents plan to fight the decision to remove their children.

The case has provoked a furious public reaction on the internet.

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