Photo: Bang

Loch Ness skipper claims he's found Nessie

A Loch Ness boat skipper claims he has found the 25ft monster in an incredible sonar image.

Mike Bell has stunned tourists after he took readings and captured a 25ft-long object, which he claims is the legendary monster lurking about 115ft below the surface, and when the 24-year-old circled back and returned to the same spot the inanimate object has disappeared.

He said: "I would like to think this is our creature, Nessie. It's my first year being the skipper in the boat in five months and I've never seen it or had something that big on the sonar

"My dad is the more experienced skipper who has been doing this for a few years and has said he's never seen it that big before on the sonar.

"It's my first sighting of Nessie and I think my dad is a wee bit jealous as he has never seen it."

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