Pranksters brick over front door

A family have been left in shock after their front door was covered in bricks by pranksters.

An unnamed man and his family from Offenbach, Germany were left in shock when they opened their front door one morning and were faced with layers of brick, held together with mortar, stacked across the entrance to the property.

Officer Ingbert Zacharias told German news outlet "The man opened his door in the morning and stood in front of a wall. Trick or joke, we do not know.

"This is a crime and not a joke."

In total, the estimated damage costs were €500 (£425), as removing the wall also included removing the door frame as well as the bell.

And this isn't the first time German pranksters have caused damage in this manner, as a similar practical joke in 2015 caused thousands of pounds worth of damage when the door of a train in Hamburg was bricked up.

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