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School bars girls for marrying their boyfriends

An Indian school has barred two students of grade 12 from attending classes as they eloped with their boyfriends and got married. 

Rakhi and Manjeet Kaur, both 18, have been asked to stay away by their principal "for fear of casting a bad influence on their schoolmates", reports The Time of India from the northern state of Haryana.
Rakhi and her husband Kumar Gaurav plan to take legal recourse if the school continues to deny her education.
Students of Government Senior Secondary School, Maheshnagar, the two girls had run away from home after meeting parental opposition to their marriage.
While Rakhi married Gaurav, Manjeet had tied the knot with Ashok Kumar in December 2010.
When the couples returned home, Rakhi's family accepted her marriage and she decided to continue her studies. However, the principal just wouldn't let her do so.
The school authorities, though, have denied the allegations, saying the girls' names were struck due to their long absence. Rakhi's class teacher and district education officer said the school took action after they stayed away from classes for over a month.

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