CCCP encourages individuals and businesses to report TV piracy on the Ahlan Dubai number 600 54 5555, smart phone application Sallety, or on the Twitter hashtag #Dubai_consumers. (Shutterstock)

Teen cuts off hand to cure net addiction

A Chinese self-confessed internet addict resorted to the ultimate act to cure himself. He chopped off his hand!

The 19-year-old from Nantong, Jiangsu province, China, left a message for his mother that he was going to hospital and sneaked out of home with a kitchen knife, reported ‘Telegraph’.

 He hacked off his left hand at the wrist, discarded it on the ground and hailed a cab to hospital.

It was after some time that his family realised that he wasn’t at home and upon checking found the note. His mom was quoted as saying, “We cannot accept what has happened…he was a smart boy.”

While surgeons have managed to reattach the hand full mobility is not guaranteed.

(Image via Shutterstock)

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