Tragedy: Toddler drowns in washing machine

US: At 21 months, Ollie Hebb was his mother's helper on laundry day, climbing atop a bin so he could toss clothes into a top-loading washer.

On the morning he went missing for a few minutes, Tiffany Hebb went through her house calling for him but got no answer. She found the toddler in the washing machine, submerged in a full tub. He died a day later.

His mother, recently moved to Oregon from Utah, says she never thought the washing machine would be a danger to her child and is telling the story to make parents aware of the danger.

The Consumer Products Safety Commission, a federal agency, says such deaths are rare - two children under the age of 5 died in washing machines between 2005 and 2009, according to a 2011 report.

"I ran through my whole house, calling his name and couldn't find him anywhere," Tiffany Hebb told The Deseret News, "not ever thinking that he would be in my washer."

Tiffany and Chris Hebb will likely not face charges, Hillsboro, Ore., police spokesman Michael Rouches said Monday.

"Detectives don't believe that this was an intentional crime or that anyone stuck the baby in the washer," Mr Roushes said Monday morning. "We have the DA's office look into it, just to make sure there wasn't a degree of negligence."

Mr Rouches said detectives looked but couldn't find other cases when toddlers drowned under similar circumstances.

"She was 30 feet away in the living room, reading a magazine," Mr Rouches said. "It wasn't like the mother had this kid unattended at the time."

The 2011 report says two children under the age of 5 died in washing machines between 2005 and 2009. During that timeframe, 350 children died in bathtubs, and 77 drowned in something else, such as a decorative water feature, a cooler or a septic tank.

The boy died after a day on life support. His organs were donated.

The couple had recently moved from Orem, Utah, to the Portland suburb where Chris Hebb had found a job. The newspaper reports the boy was buried over the weekend in Utah.

"Every night when I go to sleep, I start feeling sick," Chris Hebb told the newspaper. "Every time I wake up, I think this is a nightmare and then realize it's real. You hear a baby crying in the night from a neighbour's house. You wake up, hoping it's your little boy, and then realize he's not there."

Lover boy jumps to death on seeing girl's mom

A lover boy in Egypt jumped to his death fearing being caught by his fiancee's mother.

The 19-year-old victim, a student of Tanta University, visited his girlfriend at her home in Jamal Al Din area expecting her to be alone. However, after a while the 18-year-old's mother returned from work and he was frightened of being caught, reported 'Akhbar Al Youm'.

In a desperate attempt to flee the place, he jumped down from the balcony of the fifth floor apartment and died on the spot.

Though ambulances and police rushed to the spot he couldn't be rescued. Investigation reveal he died while trying to escape from the balcony.

The body was transferred to Tanta University Hospital morgue.

Woman charged after slow dancing with groom

In a weird case, a wedding guest allegedly refused to stop slow dancing with the groom.

The refusal was followed by a violent incident and the intoxicated woman was charged with "assault and disorderly conduct" in Ohio, United States, Fox 8 News reported.

Those who filed the complaint said that the woman yelled at two men in the car park after they took her car keys in an attempt to prevent her from drink-driving.

A police officer who was working as a security guard at the wedding accompanied the woman into the church and told her to wait for a taxi, Fox 8 News said.

Once the woman got into the church, she went towards the bride and started yelling at her and even tried to grab her.

Other guests at the wedding tried to stop her but she overcame them and continued to move in on the bride till she fell on the floor screaming.

The police officer tried to contain her but she slapped him several times on his face.

Reinforcements were called in and the police officers arrested her for her misdemeanour at the wedding venue.

It all started when the bride raised objections to the woman continuing the slow dance with her brand new groom.


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