This 2009 combination photo shows headshots of US President Barack Obama from 2009(L) and 2008. First Lady Michelle Obama on Wednesday quashed rumors that her husband - whose hair on different occasions has appeared to have varying amounts of gray - has been dyeing his hair. (AFP)

Does he or doesn't he? Michelle quashes hair-dye rumor

First Lady Michelle Obama on Wednesday quashed rumors that her husband - whose hair on different occasions has appeared to have varying amounts of gray - has been dyeing his hair.

"He's pretty gray," said the first lady speaking on NBC television's "Today Show" program.

Obama said variations in lighting might explain why President Barack Obama's hair sometimes seems almost completely black, and on other occasions has more than a hint of salt-and-pepper.

Still, the first lady joked, "I think that if he had known he would be president, he would have started dyeing his hair years ago. He said now it's too late."

Much has been made of the physical toll that a stint in the White House can have on the appearance of US presidents, who have been known to age rapidly after even just a year or two in what is said to be one of the most high-pressured jobs in the world.

Obama added that her husband isn't sufficiently vain to bother with the color of his hair.

"Not all all. I wish that he would focus more on a different color suit (or) a new shirt," she said. "He cares very little about his appearance."

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