Man caught speeding three times in 23 minutes

A 23-year-old German driver was caught speeding three times in 23 minutes Tuesday in what police said was certain to be a record.

The culprit in the northern town of Luebbecke was stopped at 12:24 pm racing at 87 kilometres (54 miles) per hour in a 50 kilometres per hour zone, police said in a statement.

After authorities took down his personal details and gave him a warning, he sped off at 12:32 at 67 kilometres per hour, according to the laser gun.

At 12:47, the boy racer zoomed past a speed trap at 70 kilometres per hour, as he waved at the officer manning it.

"Apparently he is not that attached to his driving licence as he already had to give it up in February for a month for speeding," said the statement entitled "Surely a record: speeding three times in 23 minutes".

Authorities said the driver could expect a fine of 180 euros ($257) and three points on his licence.

Last month, a 22-year-old Brazilian man was caught driving at an eye-watering 291 kilometres per hour on the German motorway, almost three times the speed limit.

Many stretches of Germany's extensive autobahn network have no speed limit but strict rules apply to residential areas.

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