McCullough says a hazardous device team, a bomb sniffing dog and crime lab personnel were summoned to investigate. (AP)

Who left a toilet with cell phone in middle of town?

Police say a suspicious toilet bearing a cell phone and a radio or TV transmitter were left outside a local government building in Towson, but authorities say it proved harmless and didn't contain an explosive device.

A Baltimore County police spokesman, Lt. Robert McCullough, said they have a lead to a possible suspect after the toilet was discovered Monday morning on a sidewalk outside the offices of the county executive and county council.

McCullough says the toilet was decorated with images and notes, but he didn't elaborate on the content of the notes. He says the toilet and materials were arranged in a way that raised suspicion.

McCullough says a hazardous device team, a bomb sniffing dog and crime lab personnel were summoned to investigate.

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