Toddler beaten black and blue by... a toddler

It was a battle of toddlers in a nursery class. Injuries were reported and police came rushing to investigate.

A three year old toddler was beaten up by a two-year-old at her nursery. 

Katie Ann Guttridge sustained some serious injuries. She had a bruised eye socket, scratches and bite marks after she was attacked during playtime at a pre-school nursery in Leicester.

She was almost blinded in the attack which was totally unprovoked.

Police were called immediately to investigate the assault.

But they could not take any action as the girl is under the age of criminal responsibility, the reported.

Katie Ann’s parents were flustered after the incident and scared about their daughter's security.

They demanded the two year toddler responsible for the act to be removed from the nursery.

It is reported that the girl also attacked 10 other children in the nursery. 

Katie had to be taken to hospital because the doctors thought she had fractured her eye socket.

Ms Mackow is preparing to take legal action against the nursery following the 13 December attack. 

The nursery manager said she was working closely with the local authority, parents and pre-school.

Meanwhile, Leicestershire County Council said it had offered support to both the school and the parents following reports of an incident involving two children.


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