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12 February 2025

Why Dubai clients take J Lo, Kim Kardashian pics to surgeon

By Amal Al Jabry

Booties have been around since the dawn of man, but the recent years have shown it to be rather an obsession.

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And no, we don’t mean ‘booties’ as in shoes, rather ‘boo-tays’. The female form, particularly the derriere, has been a constant topic for plastic surgeons alike.

“They just want bigger and prettier,” said Dr Jay Calvert, Los Angeles’ famous plastic surgeon.

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He specialises in aesthetic rhinoplasty and reconstructive nasal surgery, although he does get requests for performing derriere augmentation surgery.

Dr Calvert explained: “It’s not even on my website, I don’t advertise that I do that, but because people want it, they want their plastic surgeon to do them, so I’m doing them.”

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The American doctor recalled the first time he operated on a patient’s rear with the addition of butt implants.

He said: “One of my regular patients said “Doc, you’ve done my face, you’ve done everything else, now I want you to do my butt implants.”

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Calvert added: “After that, I’ve done five or six butt implant surgeries in 2014, and six this year, for whatever reason I’m doing more and more of them.”

The doctor explained that derriere implant patients usually  bring in pictures that include  Nicki Minaj, Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez as the shape they would like to emulate.

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Dr Calvert added sometimes they bring in their friends into the room, to display the work that’s been done on their bottoms. Which leads to one common misconception that lingers through the minds of many: How does it feel when you sit on them?

“Well, you don’t sit on them,” said Dr Calvert.

He added: “While we’re here talking, we’re sitting on our pelvis, we’re not sitting on our butt cheeks, they’re up our back really, so we’re sitting on the bones on our pelvis and they don’t interfere with how you sit, and people get comfortable with them pretty quickly.”

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Without a doubt, stars such as Lopez, Minaj and the Kardashians regularly displaying their ample assets in the media, have played a major role in encouraging women to their God-given form.

And it doesn’t hurt to get a little help from skilled professionals.

“I’ve had people come in with big butts to begin with and they say “I want them bigger,” explained Dr Calvert.

He added: “They turn out great, they’re really nice and the implants work well. “

In other words, the results turn out…bootylicious!

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