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14 February 2025

MoI approves strategic plans for human rights teams

By Staff

The Ministry of Interior (MoI) has approved the strategic plan for the sub-teams working under the Human Rights Committee at the General Secretariat of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior.

The Human Rights Committee held its third meeting at the Sharjah Cultural Palace. The meeting, which was chaired by Brigadier Ahmed Mohammed Nehkairah, Head of Human Rights Department at the Ministry of Interior, addressed ways to support efforts made by the committee within the field of human rights.

The two-day meeting was attended by Brigadier Dr. Abdullah Ali Bin Sahoo, Director-General of the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Sharjah; Brigadier Mohammed Khalifa Al Marar, Director-General of Undersecretary Diwan at the Ministry of Interior; heads and members of committees; and representatives from the Abu Dhabi Police GHQ that are on the committee.

Brigadier Nehkairah said: “The UAE is distinguished today for its efforts within the human rights fields. The Ministry of Interior has worked, through various international, regional and national initiatives, to transform the human rights values into a reality within the ministry.”

He added: “The ministry has been interested in protecting the freedoms, the rights and the dignity of all society members through the country’s constitution, laws and legislations that are derived from our values and our righteous religion. The police headquarters and departments are monitoring these rules and regulations to guarantee human rights.”

Brigadier Nehkairah also said: “Cooperation within society is very necessary. We should also bring new ideas to support the culture of human rights and implement the committee’s mission to come up with results that satisfy all concerned entities and enhance mutual cooperation and collaboration, in order to pay back our generous homeland and guarantee its safety and stability.”

The meeting addressed the strategic plans for the teams. Brigadier Dr. bin Sahoo presented a paper on behalf of the Naturalization, Residency & Ports Affairs sector at the Ministry of Interior. He discussed the main goals, plans and programs of the team. He said: “The team is working hard to make sure that this sector is working in a way that is considerate of human rights.”

Brigadier Dr. bin Sahoo discussed the approach and the plans for the team, highlighting the main human rights topics within the Naturalization, Residency & Ports Affairs sector. He also presented an analysis of the internal and external environments of the sector within the human rights field, focusing on opportunities and challenges.

Brigadier Al Marar presented a paper on the plans for the international cooperation and organizations team. He said: “The team will concentrate on many topics, that mainly include: identifying and studying UAE-related topics within international reports; demonstrating the efforts of the MoI on human rights; updating the ministry’s reports regularly every six months; preparing a comprehensive presentation on the ministry’s efforts within human rights fields, to be used for international purposes.”

Al Marar added: “The team will open communication channels with the Ministry of Interior; the Human Rights Committee at the Federal National Council (FNC); and the Ministry of Labour, in order to cooperate with them and benefit from their experiences in the field of human rights.”
Colonel Mohammed Ali Al Shehhi presented a paper on the plans for the team responsible for spreading human rights culture among the MoI’s employees.

He said: “The main goals of the plan include: to empower the respect of human rights and basic general freedoms; to develop a sense of self-respect and respect of others; to concentrate on human dignity as a value; to develop behaviours and attitudes that lead people to respects the rights of others; to guarantee the continuation of work that provides support and protection to all victims; and to increase the respect of cultural diversity among members of the police, including officers, non-commissioned officers, individuals and civilians.”

Al Shehhi added: “It is very important to integrate the issue of human rights within the training and education system across all training and education levels at the MoI. The team will continue to qualify and train human resources on how to spread the human rights culture.”

Lieutenant Colonel Mona Sorour presented that plan for the Punitive and Correctional Establishments inmates’ affairs team, while Major Mardiah Al Bloushi presented the plan for the women and children affairs’ team. The two presentations focused on the main goals, programs and ideas that are set to be implemented soon.

Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Salah Obeid Al Ghoul, Director of Law Respect Culture Bureau at the Ministry of Interior, presented a field study on the country’s ports, highlighting their positive attributes, while Lieutenant Colonel Ahmed Abdullah Al Zaabi shed light on the achievements that followed the recommendations made at the Arab Children Health Congress.

Major Abdurrahman Al Dhaheri presented a paper on the MoI’s recommendations for the UAE’s second report following the regular report. The paper addressed ways to deal with these recommendations and the entities involved in this process.

The meeting was concluded with a documentary under the title “Haneen”. The documentary was produced and directed by First Warrant Officer Nasser Al Yaqoubi. It documented the experiences of foreigners who came to the UAE and witness social and economic support. In the film, these people extend their gratitude to the country for the warm welcome and the decent life they lead.

On the second day, the teams paid visits to different police departments in Sharjah and Ajman.