Police on arrested two women and a man in a suburban area of Colombo for allegedly taking a 5-day-old infant to be sold for Rs200,000, ‘Divaina’ newspaper reported.
On information provided by the National Child Protection Authority (NCPA), two women suspects with a man were arrested by the Avissawella police on a raid conducted with the District Child Protection officials.
The mother of the baby has been allegedly paid an advance of Rs35,000 by one woman who is an employee of the Avissawella Base Hospital.
The ‘Dinamina’ newspaper reported that the baby’s mother who was an employee of the Seethawaka Industrial Zone and a resident of Deraniyagala, had the baby through an illicit affair and the hospital employee were helping her sell the baby inside the hospital itself and later had planned to do it in a house in Nugewatte area, investigations have revealed.
Several brokers had come to a location close to Avissawella town to purchase the baby, the arrested hospital employee has allegedly confessed.
On the instructions of Seethawaka Assistant Superintendent of Police A. Athulathmudali, the police Women’s and Children’s Division are conducting further investigations
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