- City Fajr Shuruq Duhr Asr Magrib Isha
- Dubai 05:34 06:48 12:36 15:49 18:17 19:32
Picture used for illustrative purposes only. (AGENCY)
Young motorists are increasingly found stripping before speed cameras just to show how “cool” they are, according to a top police official.
Pictures from speed cameras now circulating among BlackBerry users, show young people, most of them in their twenties, flashing body parts, the police source confirmed.
The official told Emirates24|7 that while such acts were not new, the frequency was increasing. "Majority of the motorists caught are in their early 20s. They do this to prove to their friends how cool they are.”
He said such instances happen not only in Dubai or the other UAE emirates, but around the world where young people try to be “cool.”
These motorists somehow seek to defy the rules and earlier used to get their girlfriends to strip in front of speed cameras. But now they themselves do it, he added.
Some of the pictures being circulated are very shameful, he said referring to the nature of the images captured by the speed cameras.
Insisting that the police machinery have managed to catch culprits, he said they are fined for the violations.
“Through the CID department, we were able to arrest these motorists and take legal actions against them. It is not difficult to find them. We have staff trained to find out who these motorists are,” he said.
The official added that motorists who do ‘flash’ speed cameras often cover up their car number plates before doing so.
Also see: https://www.emirates247.com/news/region/sorry-requested-car-number-not-available-2011-01-08-1.339357
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