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15 February 2025

Man buries alive 'not pretty enough' girlfriend

By Agencies

Girl buried alive, digs herself out

UK: A man tasered his girlfriend and then packed her into a cardboard box and buried her in a shallow grave because he was 'bored' with her, reports Daily Mail.

The 27-year-old mother was terrified and with great difficulty managed to dig her way out from the makeshift grave.

The court learnt that the 25-year-old boyfriend bound and gagged with parcel tape and put in a box with two small air holes. All this because he thought she was not pretty enough, the daily learnt.

After burying his girlfriend alive, the man used her bank cards to withdraw £500.

The former couple have a three-year old son.


Python outrage award

UK: British daily The Sun has offered £3,000 to catch the sadist pet owner who fed kitten to a snake and filmed the incident and uploaded on YouTube, reports The Sun.

An animal charity has also offered to pay £2k to anyone who can provide concrete information about the sick man which can lead to his conviction.

The man outraged the entire community when he posted yet another cruel video of a cat being deliberately drowned in a bathtub.


Burglars kill 10-week-old kitten in microwave

UK: A 40-year-old's house was ransacked recently and when the burglars did not find anything worth taking, they microwaved the house owner's 10-week old kitten.

A hunt is on for the sick burglars, reports Daily Mail.

Not anticipating such cruel behaviour, the owner searched the streets for hours for her missing kitten. She finally discovered the dead pet a few hours after she reported the break-in to the authorities, the paper said.

Police officials called it a 'cowardly' act.


Pakistani actress sues for $1.9m over 'nude' pics

INDIA: FHM India is being sued by a Pakistani actress who claims the magazine "morphed" a nude cover shot of her.

Veena Malik has filed a defamation suit against the Indian magazine for the cover photo of her posing nude with the initials of Pakistan's intelligence agency on her arm.

Malik's spokesman, Sohail Rasheed, said yesterday that the actress was seeking 100 million rupees ($1.9 million) in damages from FHM India, which insists the nude cover shoot was genuine and consensual.

"The picture has been morphed," Rasheed said in Islamabad, adding that the magazine had targeted Malik's "credibility and character".

"Veena Malik never indulged in nudity and has no intention to do it in future," he added.

The magazine's December issue only hit newsstands yesterday afternoon, but a weekend preview of the cover on its website triggered a media frenzy.

FHM India editor Kabeer Sharma said that he was mystified by Malik's allegations.

"Maybe she is facing some kind of backlash, so maybe that's why she is denying it.

"We have not photo-shopped or faked the cover. This is what she looks like, she has an amazing body," Sharma said.

In his Twitter feed, Sharma said he would release a series of photos from the shoot proving his version of the story.

While Malik's pose on the cover preserves a scant degree of modesty, any nudity is still very much frowned upon in conservative India - and indeed in Muslim-majority Pakistan.

What has raised more eyebrows was her arm sporting the initials ISI - the acronym for Inter-Services Intelligence, Pakistan's spy agency.

Nuclear-armed India and Pakistan have gone to war three times and the ISI has been routinely accused by New Delhi of masterminding militant attacks on Indian soil.

Sharma said the idea had been to take an ironic swipe at India's obsession with the ISI.

A tag line on the cover that points to the initials, reads: "Hand in the end of the world too?"

"People, especially young people in both countries, want to move past this kind of thinking," the editor said.

"It's a very powerful picture - it took a lot of guts for her to do that. It shows a powerful, sexy woman not afraid to speak her mind."

Another picture on the inside of the magazine - entitled "the cover we didn't use" - showed a topless Malik, again with the ISI tattoo, biting the pin of a hand grenade.

The photo has so far garnered little interest in Pakistan, but has incurred the wrath of Malik’s father, who said he had disowned her over her scandalous work in arch-foe India, which had "humiliated" the family, the country, and Islam.

Weeping, retired soldier Malik Mohammad Aslam, 56, said: "I have disowned her, I have severed all ties with her and I don't want her to have any share in whatever meagre assets I have until she is cleared of the controversy and pledges not to visit India again."

Mr Aslam said he did not support his daughter's showbiz career and said he hoped the authorities would punish his daughter if found guilty of posing nude: "so that no other woman would think of doing such thing".

"I can ignore if she disobeys me but I cannot tolerate anything against my country and my faith," he said.

The actress is already well known in India for appearing on "Bigg Boss", the country's version of the television reality show "Big Brother".

She incurred the wrath of hardline Islamic clerics in Pakistan for her performance on the show, during which she indulged in several intimate scenes with Indian actor Ashmit Patel that included massaging his head and neck.

Woman survives semi-trailer horror

AUSTRALIA: In what can only be termed a miracle, a woman has escaped fatal injuries when her car was pushed sideways by a semi-trailer for more than 100m.

The 56-year-old lady was lucky to recieve only minor cuts and bruises in the incident, reports Herald Sun .

According to the emergency crew members, the driver's side door was up against the front of the semi-trailer as it was being pushed down the freeway.


Aviation chief in drunken driving arrest

US: The Federal Aviation Administration chief was placed on a leave of absence Monday as US officials decide how to handle his weekend arrest on charges of drunken driving.

Officials are in "discussions with legal counsel about Administrator (Randy) Babbitt's employment status," said a statement released by Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood's office Monday afternoon.

The Federal Aviation Administration is part of the Transportation Department. Babbitt is about halfway through a five-year term.

Babbitt, 65, was charged with driving while intoxicated after a patrol officer spotted him driving on the wrong side of the street and pulled him over about 10:30 p.m. Saturday in Fairfax City, Virginia, police in the Washington, D.C., suburb said.

Babbitt, who lives in nearby Reston, Virginia, was the only occupant in the vehicle, the statement said. Police said he cooperated and was released on his own recognizance.

Babbitt apparently delayed telling administration officials about the arrest. White House spokesman Jay Carney said President Barack Obama and Transportation Department officials learned of the arrest Monday afternoon.

LaHood has aggressively campaigned against drunken driving, and is working with police agencies and safety advocates on an annual holiday crackdown on drinking and driving later this month. Safety advocates credit LaHood with doing more to raise the visibility of human factors in highway safety — including drunken driving, drivers distracted by cell phone use, and parents who fail to buckle in their children — than any previous transportation secretary.

Deputy FAA Administrator Michael Huerta will serve as acting administrator, the DOT statement said.

Babbitt was a former airline captain and internationally recognized expert in aviation and labor relations when Obama tapped him in 2009 to head the FAA, which has nearly 40,000 employees. He was a pilot for the now-defunct Eastern Airlines for 25 years, and had served as president of the Air Line Pilots Association. As head of ALPA in 1990s, he championed the "one level of safety" initiative implemented in 1995 to improve safety standards across the airline industry.

Babbitt took over at the FAA when the agency was still reeling from the exposure of widespread safety gaps in the regional airline industry. The problems were revealed by a National Transportation Safety Board investigation of the February 2009 crash of a regional airliner near Buffalo, New York, that killed 50 people.

Babbitt and LaHood promised to immediately implement a series of safety initiatives. At Babbitt's urging airlines adopted a series of voluntary safety measures. But safety advocates say voluntary measures aren't enough.

The biggest crisis of Babbitt's FAA tenure occurred last spring when nine air traffic controllers were allegedly caught sleeping on the job or where unresponsive to radio calls while on duty over a period of several weeks. The head of FAA's Air Traffic Organization was forced to resign during the ensuing uproar.

As FAA's top official, Babbitt has the final say in disciplinary proceedings involving controllers who violate the agency's drug and alcohol regulations.


Elderly complain about pants search at airport

US: With age come such things as catheters, colostomy bags and adult diapers. Now add another indignity to getting old — having to drop your pants and show these things to a complete stranger.

Two women in their 80s put the Transportation Security Administration on the defensive this week by going public about their embarrassment during screenings in a private room at Kennedy Airport. One claimed she was forced to lower her pants and underwear in front of an agent so that her back brace could be inspected. Another said agents made her pull down her waistband to show her colostomy bag.

While not confirming some of the details, the TSA said a preliminary review shows officers followed the agency's procedures in both cases. But experts said the potential for such searches will increase as the U.S. population ages and receives prosthetics and other medical devices, some of which cannot go through screening machines.

"You have pacemakers, you have artificial hips, you have artificial knees," said US Rep. Peter King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. "As we get older and we keep ourselves together, it's going to take more and more surgery. There's going to be more and more medical improvements, but that can create what appears to be a security issue."

Prosthetic devices can set off metal detectors, and certain devices such as catheters and bags are visible on body scanners, making those passengers candidates for more thorough inspections. Metal detectors and wands can disrupt some devices such as implanted defibrillators, so those passengers must ask for pat-downs instead.

Ruth Sherman, 88, of Florida, said she was mortified when inspectors pulled her aside and asked about the bulge in her pants as she arrived for a flight to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on Nov. 28.

"I said, 'I have a bag here,'" she said on Monday, pointing to the bulge, which is bigger or smaller depending on what she eats. "They didn't understand."

She said they escorted her to another room where two female agents "made me lower my sweatpants, and I was really very humiliated." She said she stood with her arms and legs outstretched, warning the agents not to touch her colostomy bag. Touching the bag can cause pain, she said.

"It's degrading. It's like someone raped you," Sherman said. "They didn't know how to handle a human being."

The next day, agents took 85-year-old Lenore Zimmerman, of Long Beach, New York, into a private room to remove her back brace for screening after she decided against going through a scanning machine because of her heart defibrillator. Zimmerman said she had to raise her blouse and lower her pants and underwear for a female TSA agent.

Bruce Zimmerman, her son, said the agents "should've patted her down."

"To have her pants and underpants pulled down is just beyond humiliating," he said Monday. "This is my mother we are talking about."

The TSA said Monday that it is still investigating the cases.

"Our officers are committed to treating every passenger with dignity and respect," the agency said in a statement.

The agency insists that security concerns come first, even if it means getting into passengers' drawers. In 2009, a Nigerian man tried to blow up a flight to Detroit on Christmas Day with explosives in his underpants.

"Terrorists and their targets may also range in age," the agency argued in a blog post after Zimmerman went public. It cited the November arrest of four Georgia men, ages 65 to 73, on charges of plotting an attack with the poison ricin. Prosecutors said the men were part of a fringe militia group.

Last June, the daughter of a 95-year-old woman said TSA agents wouldn't let her mother board a flight from Fort Walton Beach, Florida, to Detroit because her wet adult diaper set off alarms.

A TSA screener said Lena Reppert had a suspicious spot on her adult diaper, according to her daughter, Jean Weber. Weber ultimately took off the wet diaper so Reppert could be cleared in time for their flight.

The TSA said its inspectors handled the situation correctly and didn't ask Reppert to remove her diaper.

Such cases raise serious privacy questions, said Chris Calabrese, a legislative expert with the American Civil Liberties Union.

"It's a pretty fundamental invasion of privacy when you have to take your clothes off," Calabrese said.

Even lawmakers have complained about their treatment. Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., who has an artificial knee, told fellow members of a congressional committee that she dreads running into a certain TSA agent when it comes time for a pat-down at the St. Louis airport.

"I see her coming ... I like, you know, just tense up, because I know it's going to be ugly in terms of the way she conducts her pat-downs," McCaskill said.

The TSA says it has been trying to tailor its screening procedures for different types of passengers. In September it eliminated pat-downs for most children under 12 because of complaints from parents. In October it began testing an express screening program for frequent fliers at four airports.

The agency has formed an advisory committee of 70 disability groups to help adapt its screening techniques.

TSA chief John Pistole has said the agency is trying to train screeners to more quickly identify medical devices, such as catheters, to save passengers from embarrassment. He also said the agency might give preference to senior citizens going through the screening lines.

"We are looking at ways that we can recognize those of a certain age ... I don't want terrorists to game the system — but of a certain age that would be given an expedited screening," Pistole told a Senate committee last month.

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