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23 October 2024

Husband mistakes stranger in mall for wife…

By Staff

That’s my wife! Assuming that the lady in the mall was his wife, a Jordanian man slapped her, only to realise he had attacked the wrong woman.

Arabic daily Al Sawsana reported that a mall in Jordan was shocked when a man barged in and charged at a woman. The astonished woman began screaming for help.

The man who was passing by the mall thought he had spotted his wife shopping without his permission.

Without a second glance, the man rushed in and hit the woman.

The woman began screaming for help.

Soon, however, there was pin-drop silence in the mall when the man realised the woman was not his wife.

She was a close look-alike though.

Chef killed for cooking up sex request

A 53-year old Egyptian chef was killed by two college boys who allegedly wanted to have demanding sex with him.

Accordinf to a report in Al Youm Al Sabea’a, the police began investigations after the neighbours contacted them stating that they had not seen the man for a couple of days.

Upon reaching the apartment the police broke open the door which was locked from inside. They saw the man only in his underwear lying on the floor in a pool of blood and several stab wounds.

At the site they found some pornographic CDs, a cleaver and a knife which led them to the criminals.

The culprits were a 22-year old Engineering student, MSM and a 21-year old student at the Institute of Systems and Information.

The pair confessed to the crime adding that the victim AMF who was a homosexual and MSM were in a relationship.

The former contacted MSM and invited him home at night. He also asked MSM to bring some DVDs and drugs.

When they reached the apartment, they dined together and then had drugs while watching the DVDs.

Soon, AMF stood up stripped off his clothes and asked the boys to have sex with him.

MSM’s friend rushed to the kitchen and brought knives and stabbed the chef.


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